Reason #484 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Soul Mining

I can guarantee you that this is only the first of many postings for The The albums. First off, Matt Johnston is one pissed off dude, even as early as this, but he… Continue reading

Reason #485 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Hatful Of Hollow

The first Smiths entry, hooray! Hatful Of Hollow was a compilation of B-sides and BBC sessions that included alternate versions of songs from their debut and one MONSTER of a single, How Soon… Continue reading

Reason #486 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: The Lexicon Of Love

So we go from hardcore Cali punk rock to English New Romantic pioneers ABC, eh? This variety illustrates why I love ’80’s music! ABC, like a lot of other ’80’s bands, released one… Continue reading

Reason #487 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Plastic Surgery Disasters/In God We Trust, Inc.

Let’s get this out of the way: Bar the Ramones The Dead Kennedys were America’s finest punk band. Better than Black Flag, better than X, better than everyone. Front man Biafra had the… Continue reading

Reason #488 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Frantic City

Named after a Flamin’ Groovies song, Teenage Head were pretty much there at the beginning of the whole ‘punk’ movement back in the late 70′s. If you lived in Canada during the early… Continue reading

Reason #489 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Talk Talk Talk

The Furs are probably best remembered for providing the title song for the John Hughes teen angst epic (and Molly Ringwald vehicle)  Pretty In Pink. The film came out in 1986, a full… Continue reading

Reason #490 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Fad Gadget

I remember hearing Collapsing New People in a club growing up and thinking what a bizarre sounding song that was. It sounded a bit like Tones On Tail (a later post!), but dirtier,… Continue reading

Reason #491 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Introspective

The Pet Shop Boys were never a favorite until I heard Left To My Own Devices from this, the PSB’s most dance oriented album. That song is simply one of the greatest songs… Continue reading

Thanks, Canada!

Thank you Canada! Although it took a few days the number of unique visitors to this little site, dedicated to the great music of the 1980’s, has skyrocketed and folks North of the… Continue reading

Reason #492 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Power Corruption and Lies

New Order a synth-pop group? Not bloody likely. New Order were probably the most important group of the ’80’s, The Smiths included, and this album and the single Blue Monday will tell you… Continue reading