Reason #493 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: I Just Can’t Stop It!

The Specials had more street cred, but the Beat had the songs. I remember getting the cassette of this for Christmas, along with my shiny new Sony Walkman, and generally just playing the… Continue reading

Reason #494 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Dazzle Ships

“Most American music fans don’t seem to know it, but Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark were around long before Andie and Ducky worked up the self-esteem to show up stag to the prom.”… Continue reading

Reason #495 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: A Scandal In Bohemia

A Scandal In Bohemia by The Jazz Butcher (AKA Pat Fish) will forever remain one of those early ’80’s forgotten oddities. It’s full of brilliant little pop tunes, and if you want a… Continue reading

Reason #496 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Moving Pictures

Rush released their best album at the dawn of the decade and it pushed the trio into the rock stratosphere and remains one of the best rock albums ever released. They started toying… Continue reading

Reason #497 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Sandinista!

Sandinista, a 3 LP set of every genre imaginable by the only band that matters, released at the dawn of the new decade. I love this record; it’s a brave, brave album and… Continue reading

Reason #498 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Flush The Fashion

“We’re all clones…” SUBJECT: Flush The Fashion by Alice Cooper YEAR OF RELEASE: 1980 Flush The Fashion is all about brevity,only clocking in at around 30 minutes in length.  In  1979 venerable shock-rocker… Continue reading

Reason #499 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Spirit Of Eden

Talk Talk Spirit Of Eden Release Date: 1988 Track Listing: The Rainbow (9:05)/ Eden (6:37)/ Desire (7:08)/ Inheritance (5:19)/ I Believe In You (6:08)/ Wealth (6:35) It’s like nothing else in the Talk… Continue reading

Reason #500 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: Knife

All Music Bio: For most intents and purposes, Aztec Camera is Roddy Frame, a Scottish guitarist/vocalist/songwriter. Several other musicians have passed through the band over the years — including founding members Campbell Owens… Continue reading

Welcome to 500 Reasons Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: A Division Of Uncle E’s Musical Nightmares

Let’s for a moment forget about the poofy hair, Reagan and Thatcher and the threat of nuclear annihilation, parachute pants and Eddie Murphy movies. This blog will concern itself with the music of… Continue reading