Reason #380 Why The ’80’s Didn’t Suck: The Black Album

damnedFor years, and I’m a tad embarrassed to admit this, the only Damned album I owned was Phantasmagoria. Now, that’s not to say Phantasmagoria is a bad album, certainly not! I’ll defend the fun goth-pop on that album for hours.  As a matter of fact I may just do that on the next post!

But The Black Album is a fine, fine album, even for a double, which it…kind of is. Actually it’s the exact opposite of Genesis’ album Three Sides Live. For those of you without a calculator that means there are 3 sides of studio stuff and one side of live tracks. I’ve never been one for live albums, and the songs here don’t make me a convert. What’s left is 3 sides of the Damned ‘stretching out’ a bit, a-la the Clash circa London Calling. While the Clash went the eclectic route, the Damned decided they would go a bit darker. 17 minute Curtain Call is Vanian’s epic track and album opener Wait For The Blackout ranks among the very best of Damned tunes. If you can, pick up the Deluxe version, which adds singles (like their weirdo take on the Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit) from the era that betray their psychedelic leanings!