Reasons #208-199: Prince In The 1980’s

PrinceDiscography-1I try to compose and schedule the majority of these posts months in advance, because the only quiet “me” time available to do these kind of things is at night…VERY late at night, usually. This post is no different. It’s publishing today, Friday July 8th, but it is being written Thursday, April 21st. You may recall that this was the day the world learned Prince was dead.

I was and remain a casual fan, but his death made me go back and listen to much of his late ’70’s and ’80’s LPs and I gotta say he put out some of the most memorable music of any decade. The man truly was a genius. Part James Brown, part Michael Jackson, part George Clinton, part Jimi Hendrix, and yet a true original.

The 10 albums he released in the ’80’s were: Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999 (my favorite), Purple Rain, Around The World In A Day, Parade, Sign O The Times (2nd fave), The Black Album, Lovesexy and the Batman soundtrack. Not all were top to bottom classics, but a good half of them were, and all have their moments, all are worth your time.

I won’t go into detail about these as more capable people have already said what I would have, but much, much better. So I’ll let Allmusic have the last words:

“One of the most singular talents in music, a multi-talented pop/funk/rock performer who showed remarkable stylistic growth and musical diversity.”
